Lunar HQ allows you to create polls for your Discord members with the weight of their vote linked to tokens held.

The poll management view of a server

The poll management view of a server

Under MY SERVER, you can navigate to the server you wish to create a poll for by clicking on MANAGE**.**

Here you will see a list of recent polls and a link to CREATE NEW POLL.

Create New Poll

Any server administrator can create a new poll. Here are the steps you:


  2. Enter a name and a description for the POLL DETAILS.

    These will be visible to all poll participants

  3. Decide on the VOTING SYSTEM for the poll

    1. Token Weighted means a participant will be able to vote as long as they have the minimum quantity of tokens. Multiples of that quantity will give multiple votes
    2. Role Weighted means a participant will be able to vote as long as they hold a qualifying role on the server. Multiple roles mean they will have multiple votes
  4. Set Quorum by using the slider or entering a set value

    1. For Token Weighted on an NFT collection, this is the percentage of all items in the collection
    2. For Tokens Weighted on an asset (like MATIC), it is best to leave Quorum set to 0
    3. For Role Weighted, this will be a percentage of all known holders for the role

    <aside> ℹ️ The Quorum is the share of all possible votes returned which are required to make a poll valid. If Quorum is not reached then no decision is taken.


  5. Set up the TIMING

    1. To set up for Today:
      • Set the Start Time, Closing Date, and Closing Time
    2. To set up for a later date select the Pick Date:
      • Set the Start Date, Start Time, Closing Date, and Closing Time
  6. SELECT CHANNEL on your Discord server that you want the poll to appear in

    <aside> ℹ️ Although you may select any available channel for your poll it is recommended to select a channel accessible to all of your server members. Mixing Rules, Polls, and channels should be done with caution.


  7. Click PREVIEW and check the details of the poll you will create.

    If you’re happy with the details, click on CREATE RULE

    <aside> ℹ️ At any stage, you can SAVE DRAFT. This will save your current progress and enable you, or another admin, to return to edit the poll at a later date.


    <aside> 💡 Troubleshoot: My poll isn’t behaving as expected

    There are several reasons why a poll might not appear in the channel you selected or have the behavior you expected:

    1. You tried to place the poll into a channel that Lunar Assistant Bot does not have access to.
    2. You have the incorrect contract address for the token you are referencing.
    3. You have set a Quorum on a token with an unknowable supply, like MATIC or LUNAC.


Edit an Existing Poll

Any poll on a server you administer can be edited as long as it is not yet live.

Once it has been placed into a PENDING or ACTIVE state it can no longer be edited and must be replaced if required.

Remove a Poll

Any DRAFT or PENDING poll can be deleted by any administrator on your server.

Active Poll

Once a poll becomes ACTIVE ****it will be posted to the Discord channel requested.