
This guide will take you through the steps required to onboard yourself and start getting your NFT Discord roles.

If for any reason you are unable to onboard yourself, please reach out to your server community manager, or contact GraviDAO on Discord.

1. Add Lunar Assistant to your Discord Server

You can add Lunar Assistant to your Discord Server by following this link


2. Create Your Hierarchy of Roles (IMPORTANT!)

Place the "Lunar Assistant" role above any roles the bot is assigning. This is necessary for Lunar Assistant to assign roles correctly.


3. Getting Started in Discord

If you are coming from within Discord, there are two ways to onboard yourself.

Using the Lunar Assistant Panel


You can use the Lunar Assistant panel to onboard yourself. Simply click on Lunar Link, which will take you to the Lunar HQ onboarding website.

Using a slash-command

Alternatively, if your server did not set up the panel, you can use the following command:
