The Lunar HQ Dashboard

The Lunar HQ Dashboard

The Lunar HQ Dashboard is the starting point for managing your Lunar HQ experience.

Your Profile

You can see your Discord ID and linked wallets which form the basis of your access to Lunar HQ abilities.

You can swap Discord ID and add or remove wallets through MANAGE PROFILE.

If you wish to LOG OUT from Lunar HQ you can do this through your profile button in the top right.

Lunar HQ Statistics

To help you better understand your community activity there are some basic statistics provided:

Your Servers

If you have Admin access to a Discord server with the Lunar Assistant Bot installed you will see it listed here. These are the servers you can administer through Lunar HQ.

You can MANAGE the servers from here or VIEW ALL to see a full list.

Held Roles

If you have been granted a role on a Discord server it will be listed here.

If you have multiple roles you can VIEW ALL to see a full list.

Recent Polls

A selection of polls that you can participate in appear here. Click on VIEW ALL to see the complete list.